In many other schools, mathematics is the ‘dreaded one’. It’s not so, at our school, mathematics for our kids is fun!
All our kids love mathematics!
We have an amazing mathematics program we call ‘mathematics demystified’. We are consciously raising logical thinkers and mathematics geniuses.
One of the reasons I wanted to have a school was to give children of all ages a deep love for mathematics knowing fully well that math lovers will be logical thinkers and logical thinking will be solution bringers – Esosa Nwajagu – Premier Math Coach, The Lush Academy
At the onset of our school, we carried out random research on Google and found out that lots of Primary and Secondary School students had horrific math experiences. Mathematics was all too mystical.
In designing our school program, we decided to bequeath our learners with a love for Mathematics through our math program we call ‘Mathematics demystified’ we drive in the love for mathematics with a thriving hashtag within our school community: #idemystifymathematics!
In the Last 5 years, we have produced math lovers-a tool that’s a great foundation for solution bringers to their world.
Within our school community, we do not have Math teachers, we have Math coaches who we keep training to bring out the best in every learner.
We open our learners to a world of Math possibilities building the random knowledge of times table in their consciousness, tables of squares, basic Math operations, logical maths tricks, and Math facts to mention a few.
We are your “Math School”
Our Lush Song – (I-can-do mindset)
Two years into our school’s existence, we carried out an ‘I-can-do’ campaign to boost the confidence of our learners. That campaign has become ingrained subconsciously in The Lush School Community. Every day we sing our I can-do-Song:
I can do all things
Don’t talk me down 2ce
I’m the best
I’m a genius
At the Lush, we believe
We can do all things
I may not go at your pace
But be sure
I can do all things
Be patient I’m a genius!